
Sunt si am fost dintotdeauna o mare fana a Printesei Diana. Am urmarit de-a lungul anilor tot ce s-a scris despre ea, am si acum acasa o cutie mare cu articole despre Printesa Inimilor si am suferit cumplit cand Diana a plecat dintre noi, mai ales ca s-a intamplat de ziua mea, asa ca implicit ma fascineaza tot ce are legatura cu familia regala britanica fara sa fiu o fanatica.
Incepusem sa ma tot intreb cand se va casatori, in sfarsit, Printul William cu Kate Middleton pentru ca trecusera deja niste ani de cand cei doi formeaza un cuplu. Si iata ca a venit si ziua mult asteptata de o lume intreaga.
De cateva zile, ma tot intreb cum e sa fii in pielea lui Kate? O fi bine? O fi rau? Cum o fi sa te nasti si sa traiesti pana la o varsta ca un om absolut normal, cu o viata obisnuita, banala aproape, care nu iese cu nimic din anonimat ca apoi sa te trezesti in bataia camerelor de filmat, a blitzurilor, sub privirile curioase a milioane de oameni care asteapta de la tine sa te comporti impecabil, sa zambesti impecabil, sa-i reprezinti impecabil...
Ma uit la Kate, la zambetul ei relaxat si relaxant care nu seamana deloc cu cel al raposatei si nefericite Printese Diana, Diana cea timida, Diana cea stresata de camere, Diana cea enervata de paparazzi. Lui Kate pare sa-i faca placere sa pozeze, sa se afle in centrul atentiei. E firesc, se afla la varsta la care ii face placere acest lucru, insa ce se va intampla peste cativa ani cand Kate va fi deja mamica? Sa speram ca nu va repeta greselile pe care le-a facut Printesa Diana.
Este pentru prima data cand familia regala britanica accepta o persoana fara sange albastru. Ma intreb (amuzata, desigur) daca s-a facut exceptie si de la regula virginitatii :-)))
E clar ca traim alte vremuri, ca si monarhia s-a adaptat vremurilor pe care le traim si ca a inteles faptul ca Will poate sa-si aleaga singur sotia si ca nu mai este cazul ca bunica sa-i aleaga viitoarea sotie.
De astazi, Kate va deveni Printesa Katherine. Mi se pare o responsabilitate uriasa... Ma intreb (retoric, desigur...) cate momente de intimitate va mai avea. De cate ori va mai putea sa faca tot ce-i va trece prin cap, de cate ori va mai putea sa iasa cu prietenele la o plimbare, de cate ori va mai putea face jogging prin parc... Probabil foarte rar sau niciodata!
Sa speram ca Kate va purta cu gratie palaria monarhiei si ca aceasta casnicie va fi cea mai lunga si mai frumoasa din istoria monarhiei britanice.
I am and I was always a big fan of Princess Diana. I watched over the years all that has been written about it, and I go home a big box with articles about Princess Hearts and I suffered horribly when Diana left us, especially because it happened on my birthday, so my default fascinated by everything about the British royal family without being a fanatic.
I keep wondering when I was beginning to be married, finally, Prince William with Kate Middleton for some years already had passed since the two formed a couple. And here's the long awaited day came and the whole world.
For several days, I still wonder how it feels to be in Kate's skin? Is it good? Is it bad? Whatever you were born and live up to an absolutely normal age for a man with an ordinary life, almost trivial, not anything out of obscurity and then you wake up in the beating of the cameras, the flashes, under the eyes millions of curious people who expect you to behave in impeccably flawless smile, to represent them perfectly ...
I look at Kate in her smile relaxing, which is nothing like that of the departed but unfortunate Princess Diana, the shy Diana, Diana stressed the camera, annoyed by the paparazzi that Diana. Kate seems to happy to pose, to be in the spotlight. It is natural, are at an age that makes pleasure in this, but what happens years later when Kate is already mom? Hopefully it will not repeat the mistakes made Princess Diana.
It is the first time the British royal family to accept a person with no blue blood. I wonder (funny, of course) if you made an exception to the rule and virginity :-)))
It is clear that the days we live as the monarchy has adjusted the times we live in and that he understood that Will can choose one wife and that there is a case for her grandmother to choose his future wife.
For now, Kate will become Princess Katherine. I find it a huge responsibility ... I wonder (rhetorically, of course ...) How many times will have privacy. How many times will be able to do what he would think of, how many times you could go out with friends for a ride, how many times you could jog through the park ... Probably seldom or never!
Hopefully Kate will wear the hat gracefully monarchy and that this marriage will be the longest and most beautiful in the history of British monarchy.
I keep wondering when I was beginning to be married, finally, Prince William with Kate Middleton for some years already had passed since the two formed a couple. And here's the long awaited day came and the whole world.
For several days, I still wonder how it feels to be in Kate's skin? Is it good? Is it bad? Whatever you were born and live up to an absolutely normal age for a man with an ordinary life, almost trivial, not anything out of obscurity and then you wake up in the beating of the cameras, the flashes, under the eyes millions of curious people who expect you to behave in impeccably flawless smile, to represent them perfectly ...
I look at Kate in her smile relaxing, which is nothing like that of the departed but unfortunate Princess Diana, the shy Diana, Diana stressed the camera, annoyed by the paparazzi that Diana. Kate seems to happy to pose, to be in the spotlight. It is natural, are at an age that makes pleasure in this, but what happens years later when Kate is already mom? Hopefully it will not repeat the mistakes made Princess Diana.
It is the first time the British royal family to accept a person with no blue blood. I wonder (funny, of course) if you made an exception to the rule and virginity :-)))
It is clear that the days we live as the monarchy has adjusted the times we live in and that he understood that Will can choose one wife and that there is a case for her grandmother to choose his future wife.
For now, Kate will become Princess Katherine. I find it a huge responsibility ... I wonder (rhetorically, of course ...) How many times will have privacy. How many times will be able to do what he would think of, how many times you could go out with friends for a ride, how many times you could jog through the park ... Probably seldom or never!
Hopefully Kate will wear the hat gracefully monarchy and that this marriage will be the longest and most beautiful in the history of British monarchy.
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